Dear Friends and Family,
In this first post I would like to just give a short update about where I am currently, and what I have been up to the past month. Firstly, earlier this month I graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a dual-degree in International Studies and Political Science, with minors in Latin American Studies, Spanish, and Pastoral Leadership. It sounds like quite the haul, but it was surprisingly easy to do, and flowed naturally with classes that interested me and more than anything energized me. Two days after graduated I hopped on a plane for Guatemala, where I spent 10 days with other Loyolans in San Lucas Toliman, Antigua, and Guatemala City. I learned so much about Guatemalan indigenous culture and had some great insights about international development. I spoke with Fr. Greg, a native Minnesotan who has been pastoring a parish in San Lucas for over 40 years! We spoke about the efficacy of microfinance and whether he thought it would work. To my surprise he was very much against the notion, especially where he was. He has found that typical indigenous economic transactions are barter based and that most people have no notions of loans or even the value of currency, which makes financing small loans difficult. However, we also met with Catholic Relief Services in Guatemala City and they have had a 90% return on their microfinancing program. The jury is still out, but from what I can gather I think it really depends and the population. If the group has been significantly Westernized, perhaps they will utilize the loans in the way they are intended. And if not, perhaps, other development models will be necessary.
Right now I am trying to enjoy the summertime Chi while I have it. The cold of spring is still grasping tightly, refusing to acquiesce to the warmth of summer. I will soon be heading back to Cincinnati.
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