Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Day of Friendship and Love

Happy Valentine´s Day!

Here in Nicaragua we say Feliz Día de amistad y amor. Anyway, It´s been a crazy few weeks here in the JVI homestead. We are all into work full swing. I had my first week will classes. They are much different than I expected. It sort of look like this. I show up Monday morning after an hour bus ride on an old American school bus from the seventies. I roll into work around 7am. Oh yeah I woke up at 4:50am. I´m already feeling hungry. Anyway, 7:15, time for my first class. Preschool. While half the class goes to the computer lab I stay with the other 15 four year-olds. Whoa. By noon I was about to cry or just fall asleep where I stood. As the week went on it got better. I´m only in class Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Starting next week I´ll have soccer and baseball practice twice a week each, and chorus practice on Friday. It´s all keeping me thoroughly busy and joyfully exhausted. Well, that´s all for now. It´s Saturday night and my turn to cook. I´m thinking a good ol home-cooked breakfast, pancakes and all. Peace, love, and friendship to all you friends and loved ones out there. And for those of you like us JVs ¨Happy Singles Awareness Day¨. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. hey patrick!

    last night we had mary densmore, who just came back from the JVI house in managua, over for dinner! she's living in marietta and hanging out in atlanta quite a bit, so hopefully we'll be spending more time with her in the coming months. anyway, we compared notes about life as a domestic JV vs. an international JV and it was great to hear so much about what your life is like now! i'll email you again soon, fo sho. happy (late) vday!


El Camino Se Hace al Caminar

The Way Is Made By Walking