Sunday, September 13, 2009

When Windshields Explode

Who knew that windshields could just spontaneously explode? I sure didn't. This weekend is a holiday weekend here in Nica. The 14th and 15th are yearly celebrations of Central American and Nicaraguan independence respectively. Yesterday, Megan and I were hitching a ride with friends up to Esteli with plans of continuing up to Somoto to do some hiking and more than anything retreat from the grind of Managuan life. Not half an hour outside of Managua the entire windshield exploded with a loud pop. We couldn't see anything through the spiderweb of splintered glass. After pulling over, Megan entertained the 2 and 5 year old kids in the car while Andrew, Fabien, and I picked glass from the front seats and the hole left by the glass. After waiting for about two hours in the midday sun a friend of theirs picked up Fabien, the kids, and Megan. Andrew and I drove the car back to their house in Managua, never getting over 25 mph. I was worried about inhaling glass dust and particles so I wore sunglasses and a bandit-style red bandanna over my mouth. We looked ridiculous driving through Managua with the front windshield completely gone. Once I finally got home I was exhausted and my slight cough that I woke up with had moved down into my chest. I had a fever of 100 and chills all evening. What a great way to spend vacation! Not. So much for mountains. Luckily they aren't going anywhere; nor am I.

Here is one of my new favorite bands, The Avett Brothers. I hope you enjoy em.

Take care and if anyone can explain to me how and why a windshield would spontaneously explode please let me know.
Also, any good music? Pass it my way! Thanks!


  1. Avett bros played a free show in detroit right when i got here. ball-er.

  2. You driving down the road with the glasses and the bandanna reminds me of a time when we had a bit of a car accident while dressed as pirates.


El Camino Se Hace al Caminar

The Way Is Made By Walking